Anesthesia and Reanimation
The department in hospitals and other healthcare institutions responsible for monitoring the patient's vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration from the preoperative to postoperative period is called the anesthesia and resuscitation unit.
Often referred to simply as "anesthesia," the resuscitation branch of this unit primarily focuses on bringing the patient back to life. Resuscitation is the process of reviving a non-functional or stopped respiratory or circulatory system. This procedure is crucial for preventing complications that may arise before, during, or after surgery and for ensuring the patient's health. The anesthesia and resuscitation unit plays a vital role, especially in addressing potential issues that may arise during surgery.
The anesthesia and resuscitation unit, as mentioned earlier, is involved in every stage of the surgical process. Below is a detailed explanation of the scope of duties of this unit:
Before the surgery, the patient and their relatives are informed and prepared about the anesthesia procedure. At this stage, the patient is briefed on possible complications and anesthesia options that may be applied.
The appropriate anesthesia is administered to the patient transferred to the operating room, and the patient is put to sleep using various anesthesia techniques to minimize pain during the surgery. During this time, drugs are administered at the dosage determined by the anesthesiologist.
The anesthesia and resuscitation unit also assists the doctors in positioning the patient correctly during surgery.
It ensures that the patient’s airways and vascular access remain open throughout the surgery.
While other doctors handle the surgical procedures during the operation, the anesthesia and resuscitation unit monitors the patient's vital functions, such as pulse and blood pressure.
It prevents the loss of blood, temperature, and fluids during surgery.
The anesthesia and resuscitation unit monitors and records the patient’s physiological values from the start to the end of anesthesia.
It takes responsibility for ending the anesthesia and directing the patient to their room at the end of the surgery.
Waking up patients are evaluated in terms of heart, respiration, consciousness, and any potential complications.
In cases of cardiac and respiratory arrest, medical intervention is performed by inserting a breathing tube.
The anesthesia and resuscitation unit is vital in the monitoring and treatment of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit.
Additionally, the anesthesia and resuscitation unit works in collaboration with relevant doctors when necessary.
What Conditions Does the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Unit Handle?
Anesthesia refers to the method of sedating a patient by administering drugs to minimize the pain they experience during surgery. There are three main types of anesthesia: general, regional, and local.
General anesthesia is performed by numbing the patient's entire body and putting them into an unconscious state. General anesthesia is administered to all patients except those undergoing procedures on the arm, leg, abdomen, and those with respiratory issues or heart and lung diseases.
Regional anesthesia is applied in surgeries involving areas such as the arms, legs, or the lower half of the body. Regional anesthesia is preferred for surgeries like hip-knee replacements, shoulder-arm-hand surgeries, inguinal hernia, normal or cesarean delivery, bladder, or anal region surgeries.
Local anesthesia, on the other hand, is a method applied to a smaller area of the body before minor surgical procedures compared to regional anesthesia. For example, local anesthesia is used in procedures such as the removal of moles to minimize the pain experienced in that small area. Local anesthesia is not used for surgeries involving larger areas of the body.
Patients who cannot undergo anesthesia are determined based on the anamnesis taken from the patient and the results of tests performed before surgery. If the test results indicate that the patient is unsuitable for anesthesia, administering anesthesia is not appropriate. However, anesthesia can be applied to patients outside of these and the previously mentioned conditions.
The resuscitation branch of the anesthesia and resuscitation unit is responsible for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is applied when a person’s respiratory and circulatory system stops functioning. Before cardiac arrest (the cessation of the heart and circulation in the body), the patient may exhibit certain symptoms. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for the timely revival of the individual.