


We take a detailed medical history from the patients who visit our clinic to gather information about their complaints and illnesses, and we identify risk factors. We conduct a thorough general and cardiological examination, as well as tests. After evaluating previous tests and treatments, we create new treatment plans. We also prepare prescriptions and medication reports.

Emergency Cardiology : For heart patients presenting to the emergency department, our emergency doctor first evaluates them, checks their blood pressure, pulse, ECG, and lab results, and initiates emergency treatment. If necessary, the cardiology specialist is consulted for further observation and treatment. Patients who are classified as red zone and admitted to the Coronary Intensive Care Unit receive free hospitalization.

Coronary Intensive Care Unit: Our hospital’s unit has five beds, each equipped with a monitor, oxygen, vacuum, and emergency intervention systems. Vital parameters such as heart rate, pulse, rhythm, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure are measured using computerized automatic systems. In our intensive care unit, life-saving treatments like medical therapy, thrombolytic (clot-dissolving) treatments, and procedures for acute myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmia, severe hypertension, and heart failure are applied. Our patients are closely monitored with daily doctor visits, ECG and lab follow-ups, and 24-hour nurse supervision.

Cardiology Service: Cardiological monitoring, lab tests, and treatments are performed in single rooms with amenities such as a companion bed, television, and en-suite bathroom. Under the supervision of our doctors and nurses, we provide ECG, lab follow-ups, medical treatment, and monitoring, along with bedside oxygen, vacuum, and other necessary procedures.

Laboratory: Cardiac emergency tests are conducted in our hospital's laboratory to assess the urgency of our cardiology patients. We also perform tests to monitor the course of treatment for our outpatient and inpatient clients (cholesterol, sugar, thyroid tests, etc.) and measure risk factors. The effects of medications are also monitored through periodic tests (blood count, liver and kidney tests, etc.).

Update Date: 26 Ocak 2024

Each of the contents on this site has been prepared for informational purposes. Do not apply any of the treatment methods described on the site without a doctor's supervision. Otherwise, the site management and Private Royal Hospital are not responsible for any problems that may occur.