Child Health and Diseases
After birth, babies are monitored in the observation room under the supervision of our nurses and are followed for 24 hours alongside their mothers for breastfeeding. Under the control of our specialist pediatricians, the necessary screening tests, routine check-ups, and examinations that must be done within the first 72 hours after birth are completed before discharge. In our hospital's neonatal unit, care is provided starting from the 24th week of pregnancy for preterm births, multiple pregnancies, babies of diabetic mothers, large babies, babies who have ingested meconium (their own stool) in the womb, and babies born after difficult deliveries. Screening tests for newborns, as well as phototherapy treatments for babies with jaundice, are successfully performed.
Services Provided
Diagnosis, treatment, and management of childhood diseases
Monitoring the growth and development of healthy children
Childhood vaccination services
Newborn care, nutrition, and breastfeeding counseling
Newborn screening tests (hearing test, phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism screening test via heel blood sample, physical examination for hip dysplasia, and hip ultrasound)